Southern Gold Project

The Southern Gold Project consists of EPM 27882 (20 sub-blocks, approx. 60 km2) – located in Southern QLD, approx. 100km NW of Brisbane.

The project area is situated in the SE part of the Yarraman Block, a NW trending Late Palaeozoic tectonic unit, which is flanked by younger Triassic rocks of the Esk Trough to the NE and by the sediments of the Mesozoic Moreton-Clarence Bain to the SW.

The Yarraman Block has been intruded by a series of Late Permian to Early Triassic granites and other intrusive rocks (granodiorites and diorites) which are believed to be associated with the gold mineralisation.

A review of the historical exploration highlighted Nukinenda Dyke and Mt Langan as priority gold targets for follow up exploration.

Mt Langan

The most recent exploration at Mt Langan was carried out by Menzies Gold (1985-1987) was prior to the widespread recognition and adoption of the low/high sulphidation epithermal deposits

Known mineralisation (Au-Ag-Bi) at Mt Langan is of two types:

  1. Quartz veins, steeply dipping contained in greisenised granodiorite
  2. Disseminated mineralisation in argillically altered granodiorite breccia which has been overprinted by sheeted joints dipping 15 degrees WSW

Iltani believes that Mt Langan is a probable high sulphidation epithermal target with extensive sericitic and propylitic alteration zones, breccia pipes and alunite in float. Nine holes drilled with notable results being:

  • PDH7: 2m @ 0.8 g/t Au & 83 g/t Ag (from 32.0m)
  • PDH8: 4m @ 0.2 g/t Au & 33 g/t Ag (from 34.0m)

Nukinenda Dyke

The Nukinenda Dyke is a diorite dyke with a strike length of > 2km, 3.5 – 11.5m thick & dip of 60-65o with gold hosted in quartz arsenopyrite veins. The most recent exploration at Nukinenda Dyke (mapping, sampling, costeaning and shallow drilling) was carried out by Pensacola and Marlborough Gold mines in 1987 and 1988. Notable results being:

  • NR6: 10m @ 2.5 g/t Au (from 32.0m)
  • NC13: 11m @ 4.1 g/t Au (from 43.0m)

The mineralisation is open at depth and represents a high priority drill target for Iltani.

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